What do men see in women?
It’s often said that it’s a real tough job to fathom the ways of women. However, doing it the other way round and try and guess what about a woman is going to attract a man is not a piece of cake either. This is for the very basic and simple reason that all of this is a matter of opinion and choices which are bound to vary from individual to individual and drawing certain conclusions or making interpretations about it is almost next to impossible.
However, on the basis of certain ‘delicate’ studies it has been seen that men all over do have some common threads running when it comes to a matter of women. For instance, apart from the looks which include the figure, the hair, eyes, legs, etc. most men want their women to be in the pink which in a way secures the future of the relationship in a lot of ways as argued by the psychologists. Next in line come the attitude and the mental wavelengths which in turn define the personality of a woman. According to most men, the perfect synergy of being feminine and practical is the winning combination. Finally, it can be said that in spite of all the speculations, it’s a properly poised persona that really makes the day.
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