What turns a woman on…
There was this line from the Jack Nicholson starrer “The Shining” which said, “…women! Cant do with them, cant do without them…” Many feel that there hasn’t been a truer word spoken about the female species and their unpredictable and to some extent enigmatic thought processes.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that to enlist the aspects or traits in a man that will turn on his counterpart from the opposite sex, makes a task of becoming an heir to the Buckingham Palace look tame and easier. Though there does exist a ‘catalog’ of the more accepted things such as well toned body, strong limbs, that perfect pitch of the voice, a sure and yet ambitious nature, etc., it has been seen that there are a certain number of features or qualities that really work wonders with the fairer sex, but so unusual in nature that not only do they tend to escape out of mind, but also can be termed as ‘quite bizarre’. Some of these ‘qualities’ are the sound of one’s name. While a name like Jack, Harry or Tony is considered agreeable enough, a name like Arthur, Douglas or Frank have a better chance. Another interesting fact about woman turn on-s is about the choice of men with a ‘bad boy’ image. Ozzy Osbourne anyone?
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