Fashion Accessory – SUNGLASSES
Sunglasses are nowadays primarily used as a style statement and secondarily as a means of protection of the eyes. These are popular not only among the celebrities but also among the common people. Sunglasses help in adding a touch of sophistication to individual style. Pair of cool and fashionable spectacles can make someone look classy and more elegant and more stylish. As such celebrities like usher Madonna and many more have huge collections of shades matching with their wardrobes.
There are different sunglasses for faces of different shapes accordingly. Oval or round shaped faces can carry out sunglasses of almost all the shapes but long shaped faces don’t support all shapes of sunglasses as such they have to be particularly aware while buying sunglasses for themselves.
As mentioned there are different shapes of sunglasses, such as oversized sunglasses being one of them. These are mainly used in acts for humorous reasons. Then comes the onassis glasses which are in fashion nowadays. These are glasses with big lenses; these are particularly popular among the celebrities since they wear these to save from the clutches of the paparazzi. Then there are aviator sunglasses famous among the males, mirrorshades, wayfarers, teashades and the glacier shades.
Since sunglasses now fall under the most wanted category of accessories, there are many prestigious and glamorous names which are attached with this work of producing stylish, trendy setting sunglasses. Some of the famous names are Ray Ban, Christian Dior, Gucci, Prada and many more.
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