Cast: Emraan Hashmi, Shreya Saran, Mrinalini Sharma
Direction: Mohit Suri
Probably he just got fed up with that faltu title of a serial kisser and decided to showcase his acting skills this time, but Awarapan is Emraan Hashmi’s coming-of-age film.
Sad, that the director failed to match up with a power-packed script, or else, our boy-next-door had a winner up his sleeve. Emraan puts up a riveting performance as a killer with a soul but the plot is too lifeless to carry his angst through.
Director Mohit Suri tries to recreate the dark, brooding canvas which he perfected in Kalyug . Set against the scenic glitter of Hong Kong, the filmmaker builds up sinister frames as he tells the story of a gangster who has been given a special task.
His boss (Ashutosh Rana) wants him to spy on his mistress (Shreya Saran) and find out if she’s cheating on him. Emraan discovers the sordid truth and sets out to avenge the cuckolded man’s honour. But history intervenes and the killer is reminded of his short-lived romance which doesn’t leave him trigger-happy anymore. Time for rebellion, azaadi and end of Awarapan …
The loose story isn’t the only lacuna of the film. We have a problem with Mohit Suri’s celluloid view on women too.
Why are his heroines always exploited women, the quintessential damsel in distress who is either being peddled in a porn film ( Kalyug ) or is a helpless slave in a lusty man’s world? Definitely kinky in a balsy women’s world!
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