Taking care of human waste
Taking care of human waste is really important. Usually in homes we have Septic tanks – Sewage treatment system to take care of it. When a septic tank system goes wrong you have big problems. A typical septic system, consists of
an underground tank, a distribution line and a soil absorption drainage field. Wastewater leaves the home through an underground pipe connected to the septic tank. The bacteria in the septic tank literally eat & digest the solids in the tank turning them into liquids and gases. When you use a septic tank that has a soakaway or drainfield system, problems may arise when the soakaway fails. The working of septic tank greatly relies on the soil condition. If the soil stops absorbing the waste water starts finding another route and this causes pollution. To prevent this from happening, you can install the all new Biokube Treatment system that effectively replaces the soakaway that is being used today.
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