Foot care

Lifestyle 11/02/2024

The feet are neglected most- people often ignore feet problems, think they will get better automatically, and do nothing to pamper their feet. But any person knowing better will tell you that feet are an important part of your body, and it is essential to take proper care of them.

Wash your feet daily, rinse off all soap, and dry thoroughly, especially between the toes. Excess of moisture can lead to sweating and odour. Trim nails straight across, and not too short. Never consider using over-the-counter medicines to dissolve corns or calluses, as they may be more harmful than useful.

Wear clean socks or stockings, and change them daily. Wear shoes that fit you properly. How will you know how to buy shoes that fit? For starters, try to buy shoes at the end of the day, when your feet are tired from walking, and will be slightly swollen. This gives you the chance to know just the right size of shoes to buy. Never buy shoes that are too tight or too loose- it should be ‘just right’.

Change shoes from day to day, and use foot powder to prevent fungal infections. Wear shoes made of canvas or leather- synthetics are not a good idea. Try to wear sandals in summer, to let your feet breathe.

If your skin is dry, apply cream or petroleum jelly to feet and heels, but avoid the area between your toes. If cream sits in the crevices it can water log the skin and make it more susceptible to infection.

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