Hair is an important part of the body. Women like to maintain their tresses, and men are also seen to pay attention to their hair.
Oiling hair is very important. Warm some oil slightly (usually coconut works best), and rub into the tips gently. Work your fingers in circular motions, spreading the oil to other parts of the scalp, and massaging into the hair. Remember that oiling the hair is not even as half as important as massaging the scalp. Soak a towel in hot water, and wrap around your hair. This hot-towel treatment works wonders for your locks!
Shampoo your hair gently. Scrubbing shampoo into your scalp is bound to destroy it. Those with problems like itching or dandruff should use medicated shampoo.
Once a week, use a pack of egg-yolk and curd whipped together. It is good for the hair, giving a sleek feel. Natural conditioners like tea-water and beer are miracle-workers too.
Squeezing the juice of a lemon into the scalp helps to combat dandruff. Brush your hair regularly before going to bed each night, and drink some milk everyday- at least a glass, this gives calcium. Restrict blow-drying of hair, it is harsh and robs the hair of its moisture. Once every 7-8 weeks, hair should be trimmed to avoid split ends.
Try to drink coconut water at least once a week, it’s good for the hair. Essential oils like rosemary, ylang-ylang, and coconut help to simulate hair growth. Also, lemon juice mixed with water can be used as a last rinse to give your hair a shiny bouncy look.
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