When it comes to hair highlighting, often doing a good job out of it at home is achievable, considering you pay attention to certain basic things. It also comes cheap and easy and when done carefully and with a reputed brand, it really pays well! Highlights really consist of selecting a few small or thick strands of hair. The idea is to break the monotony of your existing hair to create a sun-kissed look. You only go 2 to 3 shades lighter than the rest of your hair but never lesser than that! The focus of highlighting is to bring depth and add a colorful sheen to your existing hair color.
A salon-perfect look will come to your hair if you follow the basic guidelines from a reputed haircolour pack. Use a clarifying shampoo that will keep your mane receptive to the colour. Use it the couple of times you shampoo before highlighting. Also remember not to shampoo on the day you colour.
The colouring should be done by ½ and ¼ inch acrylic brushes rather than those that come in regular boxes. These will give you better colouring and a less flatter tone than the ones that will be supplied in the boxes.
Use tight and well-fitting latex gloves while colouring.
You must have realistic expectations about the colour and consider the change according to the original colour and intensity of your hair.
Start colouring from the back of your head, ending up frontwards.
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