Walk into any college, and what would you see? A variety of colours and designs, on so many kinds of apparel, all so different it will make your head spin. Shreya Sarkar, a first year student of English, says, “In school, we become attuned to our uniforms. But in college, we are allowed to experiment with our look.” And how!
While some girls prefer the Indian look, going for salwar-kameez suits, some like to mix-and-match Eastern and Western, the most common being the kurti-jeans look. Of course, there are some who would not be caught dead in either Eastern or Fusion, but like to wear tops or shirts, with jeans or skirts- whichever they prefer.
Most boys like to stick to comfortable tees and jeans, paired with hardy shoes like either sneakers or sandals. Soumya, a student of Chemistry at St. Xavier’s College, says, “In college, I’m mostly always seen in a T-shirt and jeans. I find that that’s the look that suits me the best.”
Winter calls for a change, too. Out come the shawls and stoles, out come the sweaters and pullovers, the cardigans and jackets.
However, the most important thing to remember is to carry off whatever one is wearing with élan and attitude. For that can make even the most funky of tops, or outlandish of jeans- look stylish and elegant.
College fashion is truly something special by itself. Each strives to find his or her own identity, experimenting with many types of clothing on the way.
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