Women’s health is far more complicated than imagined. Most women in their old ages suffer from osteoporosis. More and more women are being subjected to breast cancer or ovarian cancer. We cannot always ensure that we shall get warded off from these diseases following a healthy pattern of life, but we can really get better results out of our lives when we keep a balance and give importance to proper nutrition and exercise.
It has been reported that women who consume more amount of soya have had relatively lower risk of both osteoporosis as well as breast cancer. Soya is a wonder food though not really a fix-it-all you can indeed improve your health status including soya into your diet. You will be amazed with the multiple ways by which soya can be incorporated into your diet. There are the beans, nuggets, roasted seeds, soya milk,curd and even hardened soya milk or tofu. Including a regular dose of soya into your diet will indeed give you a perk in your daily activities and even in long-term health.
Scientists have researched that the phytochemicals in cruciferous vegetables like, broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower have cancer fighting abilities. In cases of skin cancer, lung infection and for guarding yourself from overall health problems they are essential.
Intaking food which are rich in antioxidants are also important to make sure that you have healthy skin and memory and are guarded from cancer optimally. Food that are high in antioxidants are oranges, apples, dark coloured grapes, green tea, mushrooms, garlic and prunes.
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