Body piercing has become very popular, trendy and fashionable. It seems that almost every part of the body is open to piercing. While parents shout “Gross” and teachers ask “Why?”, teens continue to gravitate towards body piercing. If you’re like many teens who have thought about piercing you probably see them as a personal and fashion statement, a form of body art, and a chance to establish your individuality. Nose piercing is very attractive, and can accentuate the face, because the nose is the face’s most prominent feature. Tongue piercing is one of the most popular piercings, it’s shocking, provocative and fantastic for oral sex (for both sexes!). The ear-lobe was probably man’s first attempt at body piercing due to the ease with which it can be pierced. Ear piercing is an almost universal practice for men and women these days. The piercing of the lips for the insertion of objects into them is very widely practiced throughout the world, however only two tribes pierce the lips with a ring; the Dogon tribe Of Mali, and the Nuba of Ethiopia. Even certain sensitive private areas of our body haven’t been spared – for eg – nipples .
The benefits of having your nipple pierced are the same today as they were for the fashionable ladies of Paris and London in the 1890s. It makes the nipples larger, more sensitive, more sexually attractive, and provides a constant stimulation of the nipples.The practice of piercing of the foreskin for the insertion of jewelery is as old as circumcision, going back far beyond the earliest recorded history. During the games of Ancient Greece, the athletes performed nude, and to prevent their penises moving about they bound the foreskin with a ribbon and tied it to the base of the penis. This temporary practice probably led to the permanent piercing of the foreskin, either to prevent slaves and athletes from having sex, or to prevent them from having erections. “Mind boggling ???” You bet it is !!! . As fashion comes in a full circle so does the art of body piercing continue to re-invent itself in more ways than one ..How ? …we can only wait and watch !!!
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