Quick one
Payday advances or Payday Loans are short term small loans, repayable in full on your next payday. They are really helpful in cases of emergency. These short-term loans can be very helpful to those who need a quick cash solution when it is really needed. They enable you to free up some cash straight away for anything from a weekend away to a plumbing emergency, up to £750.
At PaydayUk you can find out everything you need to know about your concerns about payday loans. They have a great section called “How it works”. This section lists major questions and perfect answers a person would need to know about such loans. To start with,
1. How do I get a payday loan?
Answer: Borrowing from Payday UK is simple and fast! They give instant online decisions, without the need for faxes or post.
All you need to do is:
* Fill in our fast application form and press “Submit”
* Within a minute we will tell you if you have been approved*
* Once you’ve been approved, then enter your bank account details (so we can pay you) and debit card details (so you can repay us on your payday) and press “Submit”*
* Your loan agreement will be displayed online for you to sign
* We will transfer the funds the same working day. Please be aware that some banks do take a further 48 hours for the funds to clear.
2. How much money can I borrow?
Answer: You can borrow from £80-750 depending on your circumstances.
To find out how much YOU can borrow complete our Fast Payday Loan Application Form Today!
We charge £25 per £100 borrowed – nothing more!
There are no administrative costs to set up the loan.
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