Sound effects
I really love music and am sure most of you also do. Each individual has its own music preference. It could be pop, rock, alternative, classical, love songs, ballad, hip hop or something else. I have lots of songs stored in my laptop and whenever I blog I just put on my headset and listen to the music. Out of my curiosity and out of boredom, I kept browsing on the internet today trying to find things to do and it happened that it came to my mind to look for sites where I can possibly listen or download sounds effects. While surfing I came across an interesting website called This is a seriously impressive website that enables people to upload, distribute and if they want, sell, media. I was surprised to see over 1.5 million MP3 songs of independent musicians. It is very good for people who wish to make TV commercials or radio ads and need some strange sounds like rumbling things, and whooshing things, and hits and stabs and whatnot. You can download these sounds and mix it with your own audio and make cool ads.
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