video classifieds
Classifieds is a great way to buy and sell things. You must have seen and used classifieds that are published in newspapers. Then came the era of internet and suddenly there was a spurt of websites offering classifieds. These classifieds are a good hit even today. These are generally small text ads which may or may not contain image of your product. Suppose you wish to sell your old mobile phone. You can easily post your classified with a picture of your mobile. But imagine, if you could put a small video that shows your mobile from all the angles and even the different functions it has. Would that not be wonderfull? What about if I say you can even get paid to just post your video classifieds ? Checkout Listasaurus, the first classifieds website that PAYS you simply for listing ads! You can list classified ads for jobs, stuff, real estate and more. Your listings are showcased with animation and sound. Selling your stuff is easy if you can show it on all angles and talk about it. Talking is easier than writing. Browsing the video classifieds is also fun. Get out there and start making your videos. It’s an amazing way of bringing online classifieds and a business directory to life.
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