Willis Consulting
If you are a financial guy or have a financial background that is looking for a job right now, this is the right time for you to check the financial job market and start calling some financial services recruiters,like Willis Consulting. Willis Consulting’ professional recruiters have executive and entry level jobs in corporate finance, helping people find jobs in the investment bank, asset management, and insurance industry. They can grow your team with the most highly prized candidates who match your corporate culture, vision, and goals. They have all the resources when it comes to executive job placement for financial consultants, money managers, branch managers, regional managers and top financial service executives. The recruiters who work for Willis have considerable knowledge and experience within the finance and business industry and are thus able to provide the know-how to both understand the needs of their clients as well as place executives in the right job. Their extensive list of clients include investment banks, asset management firms, banks, insurance companies, independent brokers, and regional firms.
Willis Consulting has two locations–in Phoenix, Arizona and Palos Verdes, California and serves all major financial centers including Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Phoenix, Denver, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Chicago, and New York.
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