What do women see in men?
To answer the above question successfully is considered to be something at par with the summation of the entire wisdom of the Ten Commandments. After all, none of us are lucky (?) enough to be like Mel Gibson in “What Women Want” and find such a handy and useful route leading directly into the minds and then the hearts of females. So for us poor mortal beings the only way left is to try and observe and in the end get confused about the results and conclusions which seem more varied and contradictory than policies of some of our present day world leaders.
Still, those who want to give it a try must remember that it’s not all brawns after all, however weird it may sound. What women look for is essentially a sensitive, understanding, responsive and caring mind. Well, a few drops of humor and intelligence doesn’t really harm in any way. But then, there are few like Marilyn Monroe in “Some like It Hot” who have very specific preference like owning a yatch, a pair of thick glasses, etc. For those who are fated to stumble upon such women, there is no other way out but simply hope that they look like Cary Grant, Paul Newman or at least George Clooney and forget about the rest!
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